That Ritonavir sounds dangerous. Blocking the "Cytochrome P450 3A4 (a human protein that often breaks down drugs)" - what could possibly go wrong? (sarcasm, if you couldn't tell). Further toxifying people's systems, not to mention the potential to cause an accidental drug overdose if your other drugs aren't being broken down at the normal rate. 2022 is gonna be a gas.

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He has already diminished the quality of the Substack name by his presence. Maybe he enjoys all the chatter about him and it likely makes him or Substack more money. So Substack wants his audience. It all sucks alot. But I will no longer comment just in case.

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"Our immune response, at least its humoral component— antibodies—has been substantially evaded by Omicron. "

IF THIS IS TRUE why are most of the "cases" in the "vaccinated"?

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In the words of Robin Williams "That's not a side effect. That's an EFFECT."

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Dec 17, 2021·edited Dec 17, 2021Liked by Wert


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Tigers don’t turn off comments. Pussy(cat)s do.

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Hey Eric - you sure are a tiger! go get em tiger!!!

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