Topol: "This graph below from the Financial Times shows the statistically difference with 95% confidence intervals before and after the third dose of Pfizer vaccine"

Gotta love the Financial Times as a scientific citation, almost like a clue what effectiveness is being measured with these jabs. Let's forget everything we ever believed about inoculations delivering immunity & let's go with third time's the charm.

Whatever we do let's not catch the common cold Omicron variant we might get population wide, broad durable immunity and what would that do to Pfizer sales?

It also needs to be said every day what a sleazy move it is by Substack to feature a big PhARMA shill and what a cowardly fraud it takes to accept a premier spot on a discussion platform and close comments because the lies are indefensible.

We see you Eric Topol and we will remember your name when Nuremberg 2.0 trials roll around. When we have you on trial you will answer questions that are not "fact checked" by Gates funded "Trusted News Initiative" cabal.


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Dec 14, 2021Liked by Wert

Ohhhh I love what you've done here! Making Topol's posts "commentable"! You win, and we all win!

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E T admits Tcell immunity factor is strongest although the graph is just a pretty pic not a chart

He falsely claims that is boosted by vac. Only briefly then falls significantly as studies show after 6 months vaxx leaves lower immunity than those novaxxxed

But that doesn't make it a lie, since I am not an authority my read is just layman.

I have to be an accredited biostitute to tell big lies like E T

Let's go science! Let's go science!

Science starship will get u there

We can always couch our lies as speculation if we have many degrees and titles...

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I may write up an article on this if I have some time (there's so much to cover)...but quickly: He's citing an apparently as-of-yet-unpublished study (linked in Google Drive no less!) to try to claim that people with natural immunity don't have much immunity against Omicron...while at the same time confessing that T cell immunity might be responsible for making Omicron "mild." In short, he's making big proclamations based on nothing other than speculation.

Don't claim to be about "peer review" and robust science while throwing out a lot of proclamations about Omicron immunity with very little evidence and data.

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Either I am personally blocked, or they are shut off. The comments section just doesn't appear for me, so it appears he may have simply blocked me to give the illusion he's allowing real comments.

If I have time later maybe, I'll set up a new Sub account just to comment on Topol. haha

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Ground truths as in ground under the heel of a boot, ground into the dirt as this death tech is doing to the humans that get jabbed with it. This machine makes fascists.

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